Lost in the woods


I saw her and then she was gone, i heard her whispering for me to follow. It only took me a few seconds for me to decide…I will go with her. ‘’Susie’’ I called, ‘’where are you going?’’ ‘’just for a walk” Susie replied. ‘’Susie are you there?’’ ‘’hello?’’ ‘’Susie?’’, I decided i will look for her. So there i was walking down the deep, dark and scary forest, then i seen a river and Susie’s jacket was in it ‘’SUSIE YOUR JACKET IS IN A RIVER’’ i shouted, the i walk over a couple of rocks to get to the other side. After a couple of minutes of walking i saw a black figure and thought it was Susie so I yelled ‘’SUSIE!’’ ‘’is the really you?’’ then it started walking toward me ‘’Susie?’’ then it ran at me, i ran as fast as i could and ‘’Susie?’’ she saved me and kicked the black figure, then it ran away. ‘’Susie, your not dead! ’’I cried ‘’you saved me, thank you’’ I said “you pounced at that thing like a wolf” I exclaimed “i’m so lucky i have you Susie” I said “so am i” Susie replied then we walked home and then we watch our favourite movie with my mum and hand some snacks a hot cocoa.

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