Category: Hanga | Create

Public vs private & check me out!

Hello my name is Jayden and i’m going to show you the two google drawing i did,Public vs Private where you say whats public and private and there is Check me out where you talk about yourself.





1.what did you do today that made you think hard? finding information.

2.what will you do to challenge yourself today? do more work.

3.what can you learn from this? that not everything is okay to share.


Do you know whats public or private info?

Facts about Tonga

Kia Ora, today i’m goint to tell you about what we did for Tonga week.


Facts about Tonga by Jayden Carroll

Something that i found easy was finding all the facts.

Something that i found hard was the right images.

Something that i found interesting was learning about Tonga.


All of this was made on Canva.


Do you know anything about Tonga?


Violet Walrond

Violet Walrond was a New Zealand swimmer and she was known for the first female Olympic swimmer.

Olympic swimming in 1920 is way different from now it is today, because before it was only men and now it’s almost equal.

Violet faced challenges like societal gender norms, battling through limited resources and support for female athletes.


D.N.A base pair

today we learnt about D.N.A and we did some calculations  with lollies and here they are.


6cm =1 base pair

6 x 3000000000 = 18000000000

18000000000 ÷ 100000 = 180000


Here is a photo of our D.N.A

Thank you for your time and have a good day.

Matariki “Māori”

Kupu Hau


Matariki- Māori New Year

Whānau- family

Iwi- tribe

Kai- food

Hākari- feast

Hangi- earth oven

Maramataka- māori calendar

Kōrero – to speak

Whakapapa- genealogy

Pūrākau- story

Whanaungatanga – connections

Moemoeā – to dream

Takitahi – individual

Takitini- collective




Āhea a Matariki? – When is Matariki?

Ko Hune te marama o Matariki- June is the month for Matariki.


He aha o Matariki? What is Matariki?

He tau hou o te ao Māori. The Māori new year. 


He aha tāu moemoeā? – What is your dream?

He *__* tāku moemoeā.My dream is

Ngā Marama o te Tau

Maramataka – Māori  calendar

Takurua – Winter

Kōanga – Spring

Raumati – Summer

Ngahuru – Autumn

Hanuere – January

Maehe – March

āperira – April

Mei – May

Hune – June

Hūrau – July

ākuhata – August

Hepetema – September

Noema – November

Tīhema – December

Marama – Month

Tau – year

Hounga – Season

Ko te aha – what

Tēnei  – this (only 1)

ēnei – these (more than 1)

Ko the aha tēnei marama?

What month is this?

Ko te mei  tēnei marama

This month is may

Ko te aha ēnei marama ki Takaurua?

What months are in winter?

Ko te Hune, ko te Hūrae, kote ākuhata ēnei  marama ki Takurua

June, July and August are the months of Winter

Ngā rā o te wiki

rā – Day – Sun

Wiki – week

Marama – month – moon

Tau – year

āpōpō – tomorrow

Inanahi – yesterday

Mane – Monday

Tūrie – Tuesday

Wenerei – Wednesday

Tātie – Thursday

Paraire – Friday

Hātarei – Saturday

Rātapu – Sunday

Ko te aha? – What?

Tēnei – this (by me)

Ko te aha tēnei rā? – what day is this?

Ko te aha tē rā āpōpō? – what day is tomorrow

Ko te aha te rā inanahi? – what day was yesterday

Ko te Mane tēnei rā – this day is monday

Ko te Tūrie te te rā āpōpō – tomorrow is tuesday

Ko te Rātapu te rā inanahi –  yesterday was sunday.

Reflecting on the week

This is what i did in Wananga today.




What went well this week and why?

Wood work/tech because we finished the parts we were doing.


Something that challenged me this week was:

Māori clothing and how to pronounce the words.


Was this something i was able to control?Explain:

Yes because i could pronounce them more easily.


One new thing i learnt this week was:

Māori clothing terms.

My goal for next week is:

Know how  to say Māori clothing terms correctly.


Thank you for your time goodbye!

Ngā Kākahu

Kupu Hou – New Word

Koti – Jacket

Pōtae – Hat

Panekoti – Skirt

Tarau  – Trousers

Tarau poto – Shorts

Tarau Tāngari – Jeans

Poraka – Jersey

Kaka – Dress

Tīhāte – T-shirt

Kākahu moe – Pyjamas

Kākahu ōnite – Uniform

Kākahu kaukau – Swimmings Togs

Hū – Shoes

Tōkena – Socks

Kamupūtu – Gumboots

Karapu – Gloves

Mōwhiti – Glasses



He aha? – What?

Tēnei – This (Thing by me)

Enei –  These (More than | By me)

He aha Tēnei – What is this?

He aha ēnei – What are those?

He kaka Tēnei – this is a dress

He kaka, he poraka ēnei – These are a dress and a jersey.


Reflecting on the week

Kia ora im Jayden and this is what i did in Wanagna today.

What went well this week  and why? – pink shirt day because we got to colour and design our t – shirts.

Something that challenged me this week was – performing in drama.

Was this something i was able to control? Explain  – Yes because i Could have a paper plan of what i need to say and do to help me.

One new thing i learnt this wee was – Shapes in Māori.

My goal for next week is – finish my chair in wood work.

Thank you for your time bye!